

La Culebra Action League builds community through arts, sciences and educational programming at La Tierra de la Culebra Park. Through partnerships and inclusivity, we work to cultivate the greatest potential of the park and community resources, maintaining a fascinating, public and accessible destination.


While the park is a great resource, La Culebra Action League seeks to activate the area through arts, sciences, education and event programming. The collective’s diverse and growing membership share their talents as well as collaborate with others to teach and work in the park. La Tierra de la Culebra has an immense and renowned history as an art park. Our goal is to grow and maintain the park as a vibrant artistic hub for Highland Park.

Join the Action League

La Culebra Action League is just a name we made up to collectivize our efforts. Membership in the league is open to everyone. Come to our weekly park days on Sunday at 3pm where we plant, build, and care for the park.


240 S Ave 57, Los Angeles CA 90042

La Tierra de la Culebra

240 S Ave 57, Los Angeles CA 90042